Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Do not be salve to your desires

It is a fact that the human mind is full of desires but, at the same time, it is also true that man's mind has the capacity for logical thought. When you find that your mind is overwhelmed by desire, examine that desire in the light of reality. Assess it in terms of its potential results, and find out objectively whether it is feasible or not to fulfil it. Then, after examining it completely, if you are satisfied that its results will be beneficial, fulfil your desire.

Learn from everyone

Knowledge is like a great ocean: faced with its immensity, no one can be a self-sufficient person. The process of seeking knowledge has to be a mutual venture, in the course of which everyone gains something from everyone else. Here the taker is the giver and the giver is the taker. Everyone plays both roles.

Money Culture

Money or material goods are only meant to fulfil man's needs. Money is not a goal in itself. Money can fulfil the physical requirements of man, but man is more than a physical entity. Man is an intellectual being, and as such can find fulfilment in pursuing some alternative goal which is higher than that of money.

Art of Conversion

To attain success, man has to take stimulus from his environment, both positive and negative, his education, whether good or bad, his moral and physical inheritance and ‘convert’ these into success in much the same way that a plant converts nutrients from the soil into fruits. Even from his failures, he has to extract such experience as will set him on a better and more successful course for the future.