An Empty Mind
Submitted by Maulana Wahidud... on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 10:30When one has no work to occupy oneself physically or mentally, one falls a prey to morbid brooding and one’s own unending frustration which finds an outlet in negativity.
When one has no work to occupy oneself physically or mentally, one falls a prey to morbid brooding and one’s own unending frustration which finds an outlet in negativity.
One may be beset by the most grievous handicaps in life, but it is always possible to rise above them. However, this can be done by one who is willing to endure some “initial pain”; and put in some “extra effort” to achieve one’s goal.
If one is unmindful of God, one will react in whatever manner one’s own desires and interests demand. If, however, one’s faith is strong, every event throughout one’s life will remind one of God; the entire range of one’s emotions is then concentrated not on oneself, but on God.
The people who ultimately succeed are those who are undaunted by disadvantageous circumstances, who waste no time in lamenting over them.