Submitted by Maulana Wahidud... on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 12:27When a man opts for the path of violence to solve his problems, he slides down the slippery slope towards perdition. He makes it all too clear that he is suspect as a human being.
When a man opts for the path of violence to solve his problems, he slides down the slippery slope towards perdition. He makes it all too clear that he is suspect as a human being.
The Creator has placed necessary safeguards within nature itself. The only thing we should do is to learn of these things provided by nature, and apply them in our lives. The way of nature is silent communication. Those who can understand this language of silence will be able to listen to the voice of nature, and benefiting from it, will lead successful lives.
A wise man is one whose rival gets to know his plans only after he has brought them to completion.
For the human character to retain its superiority there must be staunch and unceasing adherence to the principle of avoidance.