Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Building a Nation

It is temperament that plays the most crucial role in the making of a nation. It is important in nation-building in the way that bricks are important in any kind of construction work. A house made of unfired bricks is unsafe, because any calamity, even a minor one, can bring it tumbling down. A building, on the other hand, which is made of kiln-fired bricks, can be trusted to withstand the onslaught of tempests and floods.

Does God Exist?

Perhaps one of the main reasons why people fail to attach them¬selves to religion in the modern age is that the teachings of reli¬gion cannot be observed or experienced in the scientific sense of the word. Belief in God and the afterlife, which is the very crux of religion, appears to most people as particularly hypothetical and far¬fetched: if something cannot be seen, how can it be believed? According to me, this argument was valid when science had reached only the macro world and when ‘only what was observable was the reality’.

The Only Option

In this world, the option one has to take is not between, ‘Universe without God’ and the ‘Universe with God’. The option is actually between the ‘Universe with God’ and ‘No Universe at all’. Since we cannot, for obvious reasons, opt for the latter proposition, we are in fact left with no other option except the former — the ‘Universe with God’.