Discover Islam

In his book Discover Islam, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan helps the reader to discover the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, the essence of the Quran and the spirit of Islam. It comprises of five sections. Life and Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad explains that the prophet’s life is an embodiment of submission to God, and his actions and teachings are reflections of humbleness, compassion, contemplation and concern for others’ well-being. Spiritual Values from the Quran elucidates that the Quran is not a book of legal regulations; it helps one to journey through life with wisdom, peacefully dealing with different situations and adopting principles for success in the world Hereafter. The Spirit of Islam explains that Islam begins with the discovery of God and His creation plan for human beings. Islamic tenets foster the development of a noble character and sublime conduct in a person. In Search of God expounds that belief in the existence of God should be an intellectual discovery that brings conviction in the existence of the Creator. Reflection on His blessings brings one close to Him, making one experience moments of nearness to God, providing solace to one’s soul. The Purpose of Life helps human beings to find answers for existential questions regarding the meaning of life, death and afterlife. 

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