The Teachings of Islam

In the book, The Teachings of Islam, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan explains that Islam is not just a system; it is a means of becoming acquainted with the Lord of the Universe. A study of Islam should move one as proximity to God does. To understand Islam, one should read a book which does not just deal with creeds but also explains how one should establish one's relationship with the Creator; which does not just describe conditions which will prevail in the next life, but also instills one with fear and apprehension about what is to be one's lot in the hereafter; which penetrates into the spirit of worship and does not merely concern itself with the way it should be performed; which does not simply explain one's obligations to one's fellow-men, but also encourages one to fulfill these obligations and refrain from injustice. This is an attempt to provide such a treatise on Islam. May God accept it.

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