One should make thinking a habit. People generally think only in matters where they feel their interest is being killed, otherwise they do not care to think over issues. People activate their thinking process only where their interest is involved. This is duality. Such persons cannot discover higher realities. For example,people do not even reflect over the bodies they possess. The heart is an organ which pumps blood automatically without our conscious involvement. If pumping of blood were a function which the heart didn't perform involuntarily and had to be performed by our conscious involvement, then life would have been a trouble. We would have not been able to do any other task. We would have not even able to sleep. But who thinks in this manner? Those who have discovered the function of the heart have done so only in the technical sense. To discover higher realities based on one's knowledge requires contemplation. Such a discovery leads to gratefulness to God, realization of one's modesty, and feelings of acknowledgement for the Creator. From all our information and observation, we need to extract spiritual food for our development.