Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Jul 11, 2021
Paradise is an ideal world, specially prepared by God. The present world is one of toil and struggle, whereas the next world will be one of joy and bliss. The present world is for the selection of those souls who will be fit to inherit life everlasting.
The next world will be one of eternal honour and happiness. Such a world can only be inhabited by those who have adopted divine qualities. We do not have to look far to see what these divine qualities consist of: they are fully exemplified in the world around us.
It will be those whose hearts and minds are as lofty as the mountains and as deep as the seas who will be fit to enter paradise. Those who do not obstruct others, but pass through their midst like the winds blowing through a forest; who pursue a silent course through life, like stars moving across the sky; who show no prejudice towards others, but shine like the sun on friend and foe alike; who do not thrive on fame and prestige, but blossom selflessly like the flowers; who are benevolent and compassionate towards others, like a river which forges a course for itself through the land, benefiting those who live on its banks; who derive spiritual nourishment from the whole world, like trees which are sustained by earth, water, fire and air; who are free of pride and arrogance, casting themselves before the Lord like shadows lying prostrate upon the ground.
God has made the universe a model of His own qualities. It is those who make those qualities their own who will be fit to inhabit God’s ideal world in the hereafter.