Finding God


Finding God

Once a group of ten Christians from Najran came to meet the Prophet in Madinah. The Prophet recited some verses from the Quran before them. On listening to this, they recognized that the Quran had been revealed from God and that the Prophet was God's messenger. They realized that they were listening to the Book of God, and their response has been mentioned in the Quran thus: 'When they listen to what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears, because of the Truth they recognize. They say, "Our Lord, we believe, so count us among those who bear witness."' (5:83) When these people realized faith, tears welled up in their eyes. Tears are not a simple phenomenon, they represent the external manifestation of a storm inside a person's whole being. When a person finds his Creator, his life becomes full of light and he experiences such feelings as cannot be expressed in words. At this moment, tears in one's eyes prove that one has experienced nearness to God.