God Bless Our Home Magazine


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I God Bless Our Home Magazine I 9th May 2013 I Page 18, 19, 20

Reporter> You have said, “Finding God is entirely possible”.  How?

Maulana> Very interesting! The French Geometrician and Philosopher, Descartes said, “I think, therefore I exist!”… If it is possible to become yourself, to discover ourselves then why not discover the creator?  I was not created by myself, my father or mother. Then who created me? This is a settled question! In previous centuries philosophers used to use this argument called “Argument from Design”. If there is a design there must be a designer! In our world, everything we observe, we find that nature is very sacredly well designed, from grass to galaxy.  Therefore, it is simple argument that every design must have a designer. Previously it was a philosophical speculation, now there is a scientific basis in support of this sacred design… In the book “Intelligent Universe”, scientist Fred Hoyle, and in fact many other books and research articles by scientists declare that there exists an intelligent design in the entire universe, which facilitates life. So, if there is an intelligent design, then there must exist an intelligent designer! According to my experience, when I discover myself, I also discover the Creator!  When I discover design in the universe, I also discover the designer of the universe.  

I want to add that we cannot deny existence of God.  It is a fact that the universe is well-disciplined and well-designed.   Therefore, existence of God cannot be denied because we cannot deny the existence of the universe.  Real and logical option therefore is not between ‘Universe with God’, or ‘Universe without God’ … The option is rather between ‘Universe with God’ and ‘No Universe at all!’ If you do not believe in creator or God, you are denying the universe. This reasoning, gives us great conviction that there is God; and it is therefore entirely possible to find him.  I have no doubt about it.

Reporter> Are humans naturally violent or is war a destructive human invention?

Maulana> According to my experience and observation, man is born a pacifist!  Violence is corruption!  A destructive invention! Every human being is born as peace-loving creature.  I would like to refer to a book by Tolstoy, “Peace and War”, in which he says: “Once I saw some boy, playing some game with a squirrel, fighting with the squirrel but after some time both of them became normal.” … This is man’s real nature…. Tolstoy argues that the real nature of man is peace.  Violence is corruption of human nature; it is a bad invention that man has created weapon, war and philosophy of violence.  Not just myself but all pacifists of the world strongly believe that peace is interwoven in the nature of man.  In the morning, I observed a pigeon… It appeared very innocent and beautiful.  Pigeon’s actions, movements were pure and reflecting innocent beauty; so is the real nature of man! Animals and birds resort to violence because they have no choice; they are governed by their instincts, their nature… But why is violence necessary for man? I say, man is born peace-loving! I say, violence is misuse of freedom!

Here I must also add that people generally believe that "Freedom" is "Summum Bonum", which means the greatest good, but according to my experience, "Peace" is the "Summum Bonum".  Peace is the basis of all kinds of development, both religious and secular.  

Reporter> What is most exciting thing about people in South East Asia?

Maulana> The most hopeful sign is that, it was this part of the world that was able to give birth to Mahatma Gandhi! A Nature’s Miracle! A great exponent of this area’s mindset! Gandhi’s work is a Miracle! Gandhi proved with his actions that it is possible to achieve goals by peaceful and non-violent methods.  My elder brother was Iqbal Ahmed Suhail, a poet. He wrote in one of his poems on Gandhi, “Galat hai ye ki faqat Hinduon ka leader tha, Ke tha tamaam jahan bhar ka rehnuma Gandhi”, which means, it is wrong to say that Gandhi was a Hindu leader, Gandhi was leader of whole mankind.  Gandhi was greatest asset to the whole region.  His life gives us hope that we can achieve any great goal by following peaceful method.  Those who believe in violence must study Gandhi’s life and work.  Gandhi was not just a person but Gandhi was the language of God. God Almighty showed that even in the 20th century, it is possible to achieve goals by following peaceful method.  Gandhi is our greatest asset.  Everyone has potential to become a super human being like Gandhi; everyone is a potential Gandhi, we must all unfold our potentials…

Reporter> Is India’s Cultural Heritage in advanced stage of Decay?

Maulana> Why decay? Why negative thinking? Why not see Change as development?  It is incorrect thinking… Such thinking is against my humanist ideas.  No culture is eternal culture! Culture is a continuous, self improving, correcting process of collective mindset.  Culture is not a stone; it is not stagnant but a growing phenomenon…  Every new learning and development becomes part of culture.  In fact, I take whole human race as one body, one family.  Every country’s culture is my culture. Not just Indian traditions, but European, African, American, British, all cultures and all traditions of the world are part of my culture! And now, they are beginning to come together and join hands.

Reporter> What do you like about (a) Hinduism, (b) Sikhism and (c) Christianity?

Maulana> Every religion has special characteristics.  Sikh religion nurtures leadership potential and inspires great strength in its followers… See, in spite of being in minority, they are able to produce a great scholar, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.  Christians have made significant contribution to humanity, particularly in the field of education and social work.  They are a great asset to the country.  Hinduism is a unique tradition of accepting plurality of truth, many-ness of truth.   I am right, you are also right… this is the great formula of tolerance.  Gandhiji also believed in this and so did Swami Vivekananda.  Hindus are the most tolerant people in this world.  I work for Islam, openly… but no Hindu opposes me, Hindus believe that they are true and others are also true… they believe in the many-ness of reality, which is good for everyone!

Reporter> What are the things a house holder must do to keep his family blessed?

Maulana> Single Word - Adjustment, Adjustment and again Adjustment!  Differences are part of nature.  Differences exist in relationships, between brother and sister, husband and wife…in all relationships.  It is not possible to eliminate differences, it is not possible to form a society without differences! The only solution or the only formula to solve differences is adjustment, be it in a family, society or country.  However, adjustment should be unconditional and unilateral.  There should be no conditions to peace.  Adjustment gives you opportunity to live in peace.  Adjustment helps you to remain free from tensions.  Adjustment allows us to lead a better life. I love Adjustment - It is an easy formula for a tension free life!

Reporter> How do you want children to be brought up?

Maulana> There is no need for artificial or superficial philosophy.  As I said, every child has immeasurable potential to achieve all his goals.  However, in urban cities we are killing their potential and abilities by “Pampering” and giving them “Easy Money”.  I have observed, that nowadays, in every home, parents are doing this.  Will this not ruin our children? These are the two evils we should save our children from.  Only then, our child will grow up according to her/his own nature and will contribute positively as a good member of the society.

Reporter> What must a student do to realize his full potential?

Maulana > My only advice would be “Save yourself from Distractions”.  Live disciplined life, do not waste your time and energy in distractions.  It will make you super students, super achievers.  By distraction I mean any activity that is not useful or helpful in realizing your goals.

Reporter> Thank You, it was a great honor and pleasure to talk with you.

Maulana > Your magazine us very good . I give my blessings and best wishes to all your readers.

Reporter> Thanks again, respectfully.