I used to earlier live in Old Delhi. There I knew a person who was called Mullah ji. He was older to me and passed away several years back. He used to rear buffaloes and sold their milk for living. Mullah ji had afriend, a trader, who had a business in iron goods. One day, one of Mullah ji’s buffaloes died. He mentioned this to his friend. His friend replied comfortably: “Mullah ji, your business is in things that breathe, and their breath lasts for only a short time and then they are dead. Abuffalo is only there as long as it can breathe. Once it stops breathing, that’s the end of your business!” The trader thought that his business in iron goods was lasting and not dependent on something that had alimited lifespan. But when I think about his remark, I realize that it was a result of lack of knowledge. The reality is that what Mullah ji’s friend said is true not just for buffaloes but for every human being, too. Like buffalos and other animals, we, too, breathe for a short time and then we are dead. If our heart stops breathing, we will die. If our respiratory system stopped functioning, we will not be able to live. This is true for the whole of human life. For example, the earth has double movement: axial rotation and orbital revolution. If any of its movements were to cease, we would not be able to live any longer. If God decides to prevent the sun's rays to reach the earth, again we would not survive on this planet. All matters relating to human lifeand existence are dependent on a Creator's control.