Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Oct 17, 2021
Lord Chesterfield was born in London in 1694 and died there in 1773. His letters addressed to his son, which were later published, described the art of success. In one letter, for instance, he writes, ‘I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.’
That is to say that if you can save your minutes, your hours will themselves be saved. Taking care of the parts is just as good as taking care of the whole. This is because the whole is made up of parts.
Mostly, people tend to neglect the part in favour of the whole. This mentality ultimately results in failure at some later stage.
Never waste a moment of your available time. By availing of your moments, you can be the possessor of your months and years. Wasting minutes will cause you to lose months if not years.
If you are wasting just five minutes of your hour daily, this will amount to wasting two hours in twenty-four hours. This will eventually come to 60 hours in a month, and 720 hours in a year. This is how the majority of people have been wasting most of their available time. A man whose life span is eighty hardly makes full use of 40 years of his time.
Time is your greatest asset. Be meticulous about saving it.
All great success ultimately boils down to an accumulation of small success. Once you are ready to achieve a small success, a big success will itself come your way.