Intellectual Dishonesty


A complaining mentality is to search for negative items and to makev mention of them in an exaggerated way, even if positive items are present. It is never possible that the world gets so filled with evil that positivity is completely eliminated. For example, it will never be possible that you have nothing to eat, nowhere to live, no means of sustenance. In spite of human freedom, God manages the human world and thus will never give people a chance to wholly deprive you of everything. So if people think deeply, they have been endowed with 99% positive items, while the negative items are only 1%. Those who complain of conspiracy and oppression do not speak about the 99% positive items, but only emphasize the 1% negative. This kind of thinking is intellectual dishonesty, as it is not based on a just appreciation of facts. According to the Quran, to complain and protest against others is unlawful. Certain things are declared as unlawful. But there are many other things which are unlawful but not declared as such. Negative thinking, protests and complaints fall in this category.