Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Islam Today | Al-Risala October, 1987
“And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite nations.” (Revelations, 19:15)
Of the New Testament verses which foretell the coming of the Prophet of Islam, this one is of particular significance, for it makes it clear that the Final Prophet will stand up for his religion; not by wielding a sword of steel, but by using the weapon of words; his strength will not depend upon metals extracted from the earth, but upon his own utterances, it will be the ideology of Islam which will vanquish nations.
This prophecy was fulfilled in the lifetime of the Prophet, for with the Word of God that was revealed to him, he was able to take the greater part of the known world by storm. Islam’s secret of success is the ascendancy of its thought and that is something which can never be defenceless. Even when they seem quite powerless, they will have supreme might at their command.
Today the power of the Word of God can still work wonders, provided that it is conveyed by the followers of Islam in the same manner as was done by the Prophet and his companions.