Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda

God made the world according to His scheme and it perfectly correspo­nds to it. The believers are those who conform to the pattern created by God and the unbelievers are those who do not. Not conform­ing to His scheme is tantamount to spreading mischief in God’s world. God will soon take them to task, and there will be no escape from His punishment which will be eternal.

God brings the sun every morning to illuminate the path of the people; but man brings darkness into the lives of the less fortunate. God provides food for man in abundance so that he may appease his hunger; but man exults in watching others starve. God sends rain so that men and beasts may quench their thirst, but man takes delight in seeing people die with thirst. God opens up vast opportunities for people to build up their lives but man manoeuvres to deprive others of them. God showers His blessings on everyone, but people become jealous and seek to dishonour and ruin each other.

Adopting such a negative attitude has been cited in the Quran as spreading corruption in the world. This is to go against the divine plan, it is to forsake the divine way and lead a self-ordained life according to one’s own will and desires.

In this way, man nullifies the scheme of God which is tantamount to rebellion against God. This is the greatest crime that man can commit, and it is being perpetrated in the world of God today on a mass scale. Ironically, those who are the most involved in this crime are the ones who pass themselves off as upholders of the divine cause on earth.