Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | ST Weekly Blog | March 19, 2018
PRAYER is only another name for spirituality: spirituality and peace are two sides of a single coin. Spirituality is the inner content of peace and peace is the external expression of spirituality. Where there is peace, there is spirituality, and where there is spirituality there is peace. Both are interconnected.
According to the Quranic verse:
“Good deeds and evil deeds are not equal.
Do good deeds in return for bad deeds; then you will see that the one who was once your enemy has become your dearest friend.” (41: 34).
Going by this Quranic verse, an enemy is not an eternal enemy. And in keeping with the law of nature, your enemy is your potential friend. So, try to turn this potential into actuality. According to Quranic teaching, the concept of ‘we and they’ is wrong. The right concept is that which is based on a ‘we-we’ relationship. Friendship is a natural phenomenon, while enmity is unnatural. Enmity is always the outcome of misunderstandings. By unilaterally adhering to a high standard of ethics, you can remove the misunderstanding and then you will find that there is no enmity at all.
The other aspect of prayer is positivity. Positive thinking is the basis of all kinds of high virtues. Moreover, it requires a positive mind to build a healthy and creative personality. Without positive thinking, intellectual development is impossible.
But there is the point in question of there being different kinds of unpleasant experiences in our practical lives. Man has no option but to live in a negative atmosphere, but he is nevertheless required to build a positive personality. What is the solution?
The solution is to learn the art of conversion. You have to convert negativity into positivity. You have to try to live with a positive mind even in negative situations. This seems to be a very difficult task. But this is not so. God Almighty has given us a mind and the mind has an unlimited capacity. One philosopher has rightly said: ‘I am large enough to contain all these contradictions.’ So, use your mind, try to manage the differences. It must be conceded that it is quite possible for a man to convert negativity into positivity, i.e. to live with a positive mind in a negative situation.
This is the gist of prayer. This is the essence of spirituality; this is the secret of a peaceful life, both individual and social.