The staff of Prophet Moses could miraculously become a serpent. Egypt's king Pharaoh gathered his magicians to compete with Moses' miracle. The Quran relates that the magicians asked Pharaoh if they would be given a reward in case they defeated Moses in magic. (7:113) But in the competition, the magicians' snakes were all swallowed up by the serpent produced when Moses threw down his staff. This made them certain that Moses was God's messenger, they brought faith in God and said: "We believe in the Lord of the Worlds." (7:121) The magicians' acceptance of Moses was personal defeat for Pharaoh. He became very angry and threatened the magicians that he would punish them by cutting off their alternate hands and feet and execute them all. The magicians replied: "So decide whatever you will. Your jurisdiction only covers the life of this world." (20:72) This statement shows the kind of revolution that is brought about in a person who has developed faith in God. Before realizing God the magicians had fear of Pharaoh, but after discovering God they remained unaffected even when Pharaoh threatened to severely punish them. Faith in God made them fear only God and everything other than the Hereafter ceased to have any importance for them.