When you find some problem in the external world, believe in advance that the real place where the problem exists is only in your own mind. So, analyse the situation and try to re-engineer your mind, and then you will find that the problem is completely solved. Seeing a problem as a problem is the problem. If you see a problem as a normal event then there is no problem.
A problem is an inevitable natural phenomenon. When you are immature you see a problem as a problem, but when you are mature, you are able to see the problem as a normal event then there is no problem. It all depends upon your angle of vision.
Sheikh Sadi has narrated a story in his book, Gulistan that, once, he was walking on a street barefoot, and was complaining that he had no shoes to wear, but as he walked on, he saw a man who had lost his legs. Sheikh Sadi compared himself with this man. He said to himself: I am without shoes but this man is without legs so I am better than this man. Thus, he managed the tension and became normal.