Prophet Abraham's Sacrifice


Prophet Abraham settled his wife Hajara and their infant son Ishmael in the desert of Makkah. At that time it was an uninhabited place, without vegetation or agriculture. This was a great sacrifice. Its purpose was to raise a new generation which would usher in a revolution in the world and spread God's religion to all. Before Prophet Abraham, many prophets came to the world but people did not respond positively to their message and ridiculed them (36:30). Then God did replanning. He instructed Prophet Abraham to settle his wife and son in the desert so that a new generation could be produced. Since this new generation was being raised in the natural environment of the desert, its members were free of conditioning and their true nature remained preserved. This generation is called Banu Ishmael. The Prophet Muhammad was born in this generation. His contemporaries accepted his message and together this group ushered in a peaceful revolution in the world.