Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda | Dec 8, 2021
In daily conversation, people regularly fall to complaining. When you talk to anyone, everyone will speak in the language of complaint. Everyone will talk in the most negative terms. The most common complaints are targeted at some person or some nation or some human group. This happens with people everywhere—this is the attitude that has made people turn away from any feeling of gratitude to God.
Indeed, all those incidents which people refer to in their grouses are man-made. But they form even less than 1% of the entire human life. Other events which can be called God-made, add up to more than 99%.
Keeping in view this difference, if you think deeply, you will find that those incidents which account for less than 1% are the main subject of conversation, but it is on that small percentage that people form their opinions. It is extraordinary that the divine bounties or blessings which a person has received and is continually receiving and which account for more than 99% of the happenings in his life are not the subject of talk. When people do not think about these things, how are they to acknowledge them?
This is the real reason for people’s negative mentality. People take note only of human events and that is why they talk in negative terms. On the contrary, if they were aware of divine events, they would find that human events would become unworthy of any mention at all. If this were to happen, people would certainly forget about human complaints. They would be so enthralled by thinking of divine blessings that they would not even remember that someone had done something worthy of complaint. This is the kind of thinking which creates the true spirit in which we spontaneously say: Praise be to God.