The Task of De-conditioning


The Quran says: "We have indeed created man in the best of mould, then We cast him down as the lowest of the low." (95:4-5). A human being is a very unique creature. God made the material world in the form of stars, planets and galaxies. He then made the planet earth and other things on it. Lastly, He created man. A human being has very unique qualities compared to the rest of the creation. He can utilize his mind to see what happened in the universe 13 billion years ago. By applying his mind, he can build such instruments which can magnify objects by up to 1 million times their original size. Man can construct vehicles that help him fly in the air and travel by the sea. However, the above Quranic verse says that God cast man down to the 'lowest of the low'. This means that God created man with desires and temptations. Although man has been endowed with a powerful mind, he becomes a victim of desires and deviations. By 'lowest of the low' is actually meant these deviations or distractions which man goes after. God gave human beings very unique rational abilities, but at the same time also kept many desires and yearnings in them. These desires distract a person from the path of the truth. One has to consciously de-condition oneself -- the moment one is deviated from the right path, one should immediately become alert and try to remain steadfast on the right path. One must not allow temptations, Satanic influences and distractions to remove one from the truth. For this, one must be cautious: one must not be carried away by temptations and must rid oneself of negativities. This is the task of de-conditioning which every individual has to undertake.