People generally think only of the present moment. Nobody takes the concept of death into consideration while leading their lives in this world. No person thinks that he will die one day. Everyone takes things for granted. For instance, I was thinking that yesterday when my palpitation went up and if I died, I would have been in another world today -- a world where I would have had no family members, no house to live in, no companions for support. The Quran says that on death a person will have everything cut off from him (2:166). Had I died and reached another world, no person would have been able to come to my help. Apart from the planet earth, no other celestial body has liquid water. If I had died and been taken to another planet, I would have not survived at all in that alien environment. So I often think what would happen to me at death: where will I go? We have to lead our lives while consciously bearing in mind the fact that we will one day surely die.