A Woman's Role in Life


God says in the Quran: "Their Lord accepted their prayer, saying, 'I will deny no man or woman among you the reward of their labours. You are members one of another. I will certainly forgive the sins of those who emigrated and were expelled from their homes, who suffered persecution in My cause, who fought and were killed. I will certainly admit them to Gardens through which rivers flow, as a reward from God: with God is the best reward.'" (3:195) 'You are members one of another' means 'you are counterparts of each other.' First the verse says that men and women are counterparts, next it says that both men and women will receive reward for a devout life in which they have to struggle for God's cause. 'To fight' in this verse does not mean that one will have to literally wield a weapon, instead it means that one will have to face unpleasantness and unwanted situations in life and one will have to struggle against them. In today's times one does not have to migrate for God's cause, rather even when one is living in one's own house, one will have to face problems and difficulties. Unless a person involves himself or herself in a mission, he or she will not face circumstances as mentioned in the above verse. Therefore, both men and women are required to equally be part of God's mission -- women are not supposed to live in ghettos and only give birth to children. Rather women too have to play a significant role in the responsibilities of life. Men and women are two equal partners in the joint struggle of life. The above verse does not only speak of men, but includes women too. All doors of opportunities are open for both.