Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Speaking Tree Website | August 8, 2016
During a visit to Kashmir, I was once in an open valley outside Srinagar. Everywhere I could see streams flowing down from above. I then noticed that at one point there was a huge stone in the way of a stream. The stream did not collide with the stone, rather it skirted around and created another route for its onward journey.
At that time I was with some Kashmiri friends. I told them that you people get provoked on listening to certain news in the media, and then immediately enter into confrontation with your supposed enemies. But, here there is news for you from nature. The news is that an onward-flowing stream changes its path when it comes across a big boulder on the way. It doesn’t adopt the way of confrontation, rather it adopts the path of avoidance. When you heed the lesson given by this natural news, you will abandon all your confrontation.
When the word “news” is used, people generally take it to be the news that comes in the media. Media is the source of selective news. It is not the media’s concern to broadcast all that is news. Media is an industry, which always takes news on a selective basis. Its criterion of selection is based mainly on two considerations, that is, the news should be either sensational or political. This pattern of news selection has made people negative everywhere in the world.
There are also some other news. That is, news present in the world of nature. The rising sun is news, the growing tree is news, rain falling down is news, and the wind blowing is also news. These are natural news. The list of natural news is endless. Every moment nature creates news.
If you can observe nature, understand its language, and if you are a prepared mind which can extract lessons from these kinds of news items, then certainly you will live in peace and tranquillity. Because, all news in the world of nature is positive. There is no negative news in the world of nature.