Zeal to Convey the Message of God


When a person develops true love for God, a new emergence takes place in his life. He then devotes himself entirely to God's work, which is to convey to people the message of God. People are unaware of God's existence, His creation plan and what kind of relationship they should have with Him. We have to make people know this by conveying to them the message of the Quran. The Companions of the Prophet had such an emergence in their personalities. The Prophet had said on the occasion of the last Hajj: 'God has sent me for all mankind, so convey His message on my behalf to all people.' The Companions thus spread out in the known world of that time. They did not know the language of the people in whose lands they entered, but still left their homeland. There were no roads for travel and in the regions they went to, there were no hotels as exist today. The Companions struggled for this cause solely because of their love for God. During the time of Caliph Umar, a group of Companions went to Iran where the Persian leader asked them their reason for coming. They replied: 'God has sent us so that we take people from the worship of humans towards the worship of God.' Their discovery of God had made them fearless and inspired them to move out of their lands in spite of the various hardships involved. One such person was Uqba ibn Nafe who left Damascus for Asia and then reached the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. There he stood with his horse and cried out: 'O God, had I known that there are people on the other side of this Ocean, I would have dived into the waters and reached out to those people so that they did not remain unaware of You.' It was this zeal that drove these people to convey the message of God to all around them, and as a result of their efforts the whole Muslim world came into existence.