In the age of communication and printing press, it was not possible even for a king to publish copies of the Quran for distribution. The vast Muslim empires were not in a position to print the kind of Quran copies that modern technology can produce today. Muslims generally lament and grieve over the collapse of their previous empires, although they have something far greater and more precious in comparison to the empires of the past. The fact of being able to print the Quran in different languages and spread its copies across the world to numerous people should make Muslims realize that their earlier were insignificant in comparison. In the past, although Muslims were rulers of large empires, they were not even capable of all that they are today due to the advances of the present age. The Book of God is the most important thing. To be able to print it in an international language and spread it globally is a feat which none of the empires could accomplish. Thus the previous empires appear to be utterly insignificant when compared to all that can be done today for the Quran. But in spite of this great blessing of the modern age, Muslims still engage in protest and complaints. This is because they are still living in the past: they believe that others are their enemies and are trying to wipe them out. It is no exaggeration to say that the facilities provided by the age of communication to spread the word of God are far greater in importance than the empires which Muslims ruled earlier. Whenever CPS members go to conferences or seminars with copies of the Quran, people there themselves take the responsibility to distribute the Quran to all the participants. We must appreciate and acknowledge this blessing of the present age.