Unfold Your Mind

Heart is not simply a source of circulation of blood. That is just one aspect of the heart. There is another aspect; that is, it records your findings, your achievements. So, the heart is destined to record all your experiences at every beat. You have to, therefore, acquire new experience constantly, every moment, every second; otherwise, your register will be left blank. It might seem difficult. But your mind has enormous capacity to do this job. If a mechanical computer can make a billion calculations in a second, why can a mind not? Mind is a super computer. Mind is a living computer. The problem is that we fail to utilize your mind. Everyone throughout History has failed to utilize his mind. Try to activate your mind so that your register may not go blank. Sufis knew this fact but only in physical terms. They would say Allah at every beat of the heart. This was foolish. What is required is not to simply repeat a word, but to have some new experience. You should acquire some new thought, new wisdom at every beat. This is not beyond your capacity. It is quite within your capacity. Therefore, the Sufi concept was a reduced form of zikr. Sufis discovered this fact but in a reduced manner. Sufis practiced this so much that it became a part of their unconscious mind. But it was ridiculous. My Sufism is based on thinking and wisdom, whereas their Sufism is based on literal recitation. They would think that by saying Allah at every beat of the heart, they are doing as much zikr as the number of heart beats they have. We have seventy-two heartbeats per minute. On an average, we can say, one heartbeat per second. So, we must make at least one discovery every second. This does not mean that you will be able to say this is my discover number one, and that this is my discover number two. Your mind is not going to count the number of discoveries you make every passing minute. Mind is a very creative thing. It will discover a new thing every second, but it will not count and tell, or calculate the number of discoveries that you have made. Mind is not mechanical, it is creative. If you can elaborate one discovery it could mean many discoveries.