Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | ST Blogs | May 07, 2018

Every man born into this world has two major experiences: those of life and death. If man thinks seriously about these experiences, he will certainly discover a great reality, that is, that the settling of man on this world was not meant as a reward but rather as a test.
Man feels himself free in this present world. The freedom conferred upon him is for the purpose of finding out who makes proper use of his freedom and who makes wrong use of it, who leads a principled life and who leads an unprincipled life.
The pre-death period is for the purpose of testing man, while the post-death period is for reward or punishment.
If man thinks seriously, he will discover the reality that death is in fact the day of standing before his Creator. Man, in essence, is an eternal creature, but his lifespan has been divided into two parts—the pre- death period and the post-death period.
Today man finds himself in this world as a living, conscious being. This living, conscious existence is a permanent one. The day of death is the day where this live, conscious existence is taken out of this present, temporary world and is transferred to the next permanent world. Every man and woman will arrive at this stage. This will be an unimaginably grave moment. The present man will be resurrected after death, that   is, during the second half of his lifespan. But all his material, worldly supports will have fallen away from him.
Behind him will be the world which is lost to him forever while, before him, will be the world where he must now lead an eternal life.
The wise man is the one who prepares himself for this day.