A Positive Concept of Death

A Positive Concept of Death

Prophet's last words before he died were: 'O God, the most noble companion!' At the time of death, the Prophet thought that he was going to meet the Best Companion. If a person were to think that death means to meet the Lord of the Worlds, he would begin to prepare for his meeting with Him from this very day. One would want to be well-prepared and well-equipped to meet God. Prophet's words mean that death is the day of meeting God. If a person truly realizes this fact, he would start preparing for it without any delay, as death can come any time. So if a person understands death as meeting God, he would spend the rest of his life in preparation of this meet. Before independence, when the British traveled to India on ship, they would spend their time on the ship learning Indian languages and studying Indian culture. Similarly, if a person thinks of the concept of death as meeting his Creator, he would become positive and prepare himself for this meeting. When Pharaoh told his wife Aasiya that he would kill her, she prayed: 'My Lord, build me a house in nearness to You in Paradise.' (66:11) Death is certainly not a negative event in the life of a believer. If one consciously realizes that death means meeting God, he would become positive in thought and character.