What is Love of God?


If you develop a strong bond with God, a new personality will emerge in you. You will live in God and your days and night will be spend in thoughts of God. Your soul will find sustenance in remembrance of God. Since past few days, I was not able to remember God at a deep level. This had troubled me. Today when I woke up in the morning before dawn, I prayed to God with tears welling up in my eyes. I cried: "O God, will You abandon me?" Then, again I was able to feel connected to God. Love of God means to begin to live in thoughts of God. When you develop true love for God, you will see blessings of God everywhere. Once an ordinary person from a village was made member of parliament by the help of a political leader. After becoming an MP, he moved to a new well-furnished house. To whoever came to meet him, he would keep repeating that whatever he had was a gift given by his political leader. But who among us says that whatever he possesses has been bestowed by God? When a person sees the sun, moon, birds, skies and the air, he should be able to exclaim that all of these bounties have been endowed by God. People are aware of the gifts given to them by a person, but nobody truly acknowledges God for His innumerable blessings which He has endowed on us. Breathing, seeing, eating, drinking and walking -- all these moments are experiences which should inspire us to become deeply thankful to God and thus develop closeness to Him.