God created human beings. This creation is a very strange phenomenon. I was thinking that I can pick up a glass of water and drink from it, but no animal, plant, planet or star can do this. Only a human being can understand what water is. The universe came into existence 13 billion years ago: only a human being could have discovered this fact. The ripples of the big bang can still be detected in the universe. After studying it, a scientist remarked that it is like seeing the handwriting of God -- only a human being can go back 13 billion years in the time and study the origin of the universe. God has gifted man with a great mind. If a person acknowledges this bounty, then the resulting feelings and emotions are called 'shukr' or thankfulness for God. This then further leads to well-wishing for all mankind. One who has such compassion for people, will surely convey the message of God to them so that they become aware of the reality of life and are not punished in the Hereafter. These things result from a deep realization of God. Simple recitation of certain words will not take one to Paradise: this is a grave underestimation of God.