Explaining the Phenomenon of Tension


We live in negativity because we are unable to explain why we face problems. If we are able to find an explanation to the problems, negativity will come to an end and we will begin to live in thankfulness. This is because we will know that since this world is meant for test, it will also have problems. We should manage the problems we face in this world and after this we will given a problem-free world to live in in the Hereafter. For example, we face many problems in a journey to some place, be it by car or aeroplane. While travelling, we do not enjoy the freedom and comfort we have at home. But we accept these problems as temporary and a necessary part of our journey, and so these problems do not make us tensed or uneasy. Since people have not explained in a similar manner the problems they face while they lead their lives in this world, their lives are marred by tension. We enjoy all blessings in the present world, but face few problems and hardships, which is because God wants to test us. We should explain these problems as temporary and instead of turning negative, live with the spirit of gratitude to God. This attitude will ensure that we are rewarded with Paradise in the next world.