The Sunday Guardian

Positive mindset helps us all

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | The Sunday Guardian | May 11, 2014

Alfred Adler (1870-1937) was an Austrian psychologist. The title of one of his books is The Practice and Theory of Individual Psychology (1927). In this book, he discusses man's inborn qualities. Then he observes, that the most unique quality that he discovered in human beings was their power to turn a minus into a plus. 

Positivity ensures success in life

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I The Sunday Guardian I April 20, 2014

Cain and Abel were two brothers. They belonged to the first generation of Adam and Eve. There arose some differences between the two, and Cain finally said to Abel in anger: "I shall kill you!" (5:27). Abel did not react and calmly replied: "If you raise your hand to kill me, I will not raise mine to kill you. I fear God, the Lord of the Universe" (5:28). This incident is not simply an incident that once happened between two brothers. It is a universal principle of sublime character.