Spirituality in Islam

Islamic Spirituality and Positivity

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Spirituality in Islam

Everyone may be born spiritual, that is, one may be spiritual by nature, but, after birth, one lives in a society, which, with its multiple influences conditions or shape man’s personality or nurture one based on negative feelings – just like the layers of the onion that cover its bulb. These negative feelings can be of anger, revenge, jealousy, hatred and rivalry.

The Spiritual Goal of Islam

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Spirituality in Islam | 23 Nonember 2022

What is the spiritual goal of Islam? That is, what is that spiritual target which Islam sets before man? The answer in the words of the Qur’an is: ‘A soul at rest’ (89:27). Thus the spiritual goal of Islam is to attain this state of peace in the soul.

Man and God

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Spirituality in Islam | 25 Nonember 2022

Making God one’s object of worship raises man’s position. On the contrary, regarding something other than God as God amounts to descending from the level of humanity. Submission to God is the only way of life for both man and the universe.