Principles of Life

The Greater Fear

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Principles of Life

Dr. Dennis Breo has published a book entitled, Extraordinary Care, based on interviews with medical specialists who attended on various famous personalities. Many and strange are the revelations he has to make.

He writes that celebrities often prove to be ‘impossible patients.’ Hitler, for instance, suffered from a skin disease, but considered it beneath his dignity to undress before a doctor. As a result, he could never be given the correct treatment.

Perseverance Pays

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Principles of Life

Waking up in the morning to the noisy chirrup of the birds, a man noticed a broken egg lying on the ground. It had obviously fallen from a nest built by sparrows just under the ceiling of his modest dwelling. Wearily he removed the broken egg, then, noting with dis­gust the straws which were eternally littering his floor, he stood up on a piece of furniture, and swiped the nest out of its niche. He spent quite some time and effort cleaning up the whole place.  

Adverse Circumstances

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Principles of Life

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) is now accepted as an outstanding figure in English literature. Yet, in the early stages of his life, he was in such financial straits that he appeared to be doomed to failure. But it was this very financial stringency which drove him ultimately to success.