

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Concept of Hereafter

When a train is about to leave a station, the guard blows a whistle. The purpose of this whistle is to warn people of the train’s impending departure, so that anyone still on the platform can come and take his seat on the train. But there are two ways of interpreting this whistle. If it is considered to be just a noise, it will have no meaning. But if it is considered to be an alarm, then it fits into place and takes on its proper meaning.


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Concept of Hereafter

Prophet Mohammad once asked his companion, Abdullah ibn Masood, to read him a part of the Quran. “I – read the Quran to you, when unto you it has been revealed?” Ibn Masood asked. “Yes,” the Prophet answered, “I like to hear it read by someone else.” So Abdul­lah ibn Masood started Surah
An-Nisa. When he reached this verse, the Prophet asked him to stop:

How will it be when we produce a witness from every nation and call upon you to testify against them? (4: 41)

Man’s Accountability

Once we have become clear in our minds that the after-life truly exists, we realize that the sole aim of our earthly existence should be to strive for success in the life to come, for, unlike the present ephemeral world, the Hereafter is eternal and real. What we understand by suffering and solace in this world cannot be compared with the suffering and solace of the Hereafter.