Teachings of Islam

Importance of Perseverance in Islam

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Teachings of Islam

A young man who was employed as an ordinary worker in a Bidi factory soon learnt the entire art of the business and set up his own factory. He initially invested only Rs. 5000 in his business, but then by dint of fifteen years’ hard work, his business progressively increased until it expanded into a big factory. One day, narrating his life story to his friends, he said: “Just as a young child grows into boyhood after fifteen years, so does a business. I have not reached this stage in one day. It has been a fifteen-year struggle.”

Importance of Patience in Islam

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Teachings of Islam

A western commentator, William Patron, has observed: One of the fruits of Islam has been that stubborn durable patience which comes out of the submission to the absolute will of God.

This observation is indeed very apt. Islam attaches great importance to patience. Most of the verses of the Quran have a bearing, directly or indirectly, upon this virtue. In truth, patience is an attribute without which the very thought of Islam is unimaginable.

Importance of Education in Islam

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Teaching of Islam

Knowledge is of two distinct kinds: that which we have been blessed with in the and the Hadith, and that which we acquire as a result of our own research and endeavour. The first kind acquaints us with our Lord, and makes plain the issues to be faced in the everlasting world, which awaits us after death. More important, it shows us how, in the course of our present life, we may prepare ourselves to meet those issues. The second kind of knowledge provides solutions to the social and economic problems, which we encounter in everyday life.

Spirit of Enquiry in Islam

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Teachings of Islam

According to a tradition, the Prophet of Islam once remarked: “The remedy for ignorance is asking questions.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 336) If the ignorant man does not inquire, his ignorance will stay with him. But if he has a questioning mind, some knowledgeable person will answer him, and he will no longer remain ignorant.