Life Management

Is silent acknowledgement enough or do we need to verbally thank people?

Speaking Tree | TOI | May 8, 2011

Silent acknowledgement has no meaning. If you receive a favour from someone, you need to acknowledge it verbally. If you don’t do that you will be seen as lacking in noble sentiments. Acknowledgement is not just a matter of the heart, it must be communicated verbally.

As human beings, we exploit each other. How can we overcome this tendency?

Speaking Tree| TOI | April 2, 2011

Exploitation is misuse of freedom and freedom is an integral part of life. Freedom cannot be abolished. Try to save yourself from exploitation. Accept that this is part of life and it cannot be wished away. Exploitation has a positive angle, too. It leads to competition and competition leads to challenges. And challenges lead to human progress.

Is freedom the summum bonum, or greatest good?

The Speaking Tree | Sunday, June 27, 2010

I subscribe to the concept presented by the American psychologist B. F. Skinner, in his book Freedom and Dignity, which is that man cannot afford freedom. Total freedom leads to anarchy, and anarchy is not a workable system for any society. So, the best formula is that which is based on controlled freedom. Uncontrolled freedom is a negative freedom and controlled freedom is positive freedom.