
The Perils of Idleness

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda |  June 22, 2022

The second Caliph, Umar ibn Khattab, often used to express his sense of disillusionment about people he had come to like, when, on further acquaintance with them, he discovered them to be idle. “On learning that he does not work, he appears to be of no value (he has debased himself in my eyes).” (Al-Majalisah wa Jawahir al-‘Ilm, Hadith No. 3005).

Silence: The Language of Nature

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Soulveda |  June 02, 2022

Ernest Psichari (1883-1914), a French writer, was a free-thinker and an atheist in his youth. But later he reverted to Christianity. Grandson of the famous historian, Ernest Renan, Psichari is ranked among those who made an effort to bring about a spiritual awakening in France at the turn of the twentieth century. One of his sayings has been rendered in English in these words: