Call to God


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan | Call to God | Al-Risala April 1988

I learned from Dr. J. Oacek of the Oriental Department of Charles University in Prague that a distinguished Czech orientalist had translated the Quran into Czech. It was an excellent translation, ac­cording to Dr. Oacek and, within a few weeks of publication, was completely sold out.


Maulana Wahiduddin Khan I Call to God

Having a purpose in life makes one overlook all other considerations. One is willing to endure every hardship to achieve one’s goal.

In November 1922, a thirty-four-year-old Spanish priest by the name of Fr. Henry Heras (1889-1956) landed in Bombay harbour. India fascinated him, and, feeling that it would be fertile ground for Christian missionary work, he decided to settle here and pursue his missionary activities.