Ans Inferiority complex is a baseless concept. The root cause for this is that the person who develops inferiority complex wishes to do everything in the ideal sense. But the reality is that the ideal cannot be achieved. In this world, idealism exists only at the level of the mind, while in real life, it is pragmatism alone that works. If you discover this fact, you will immediately be able to rid yourself of inferiority complex.
At present, the term 'Islamophobia' means prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.
'Islamophobia' is a negative term used against the West. This term is used by Muslims to refer to the West's attitudes towards Islam, but western people never adopted this term for themselves. Therefore, this kind of terminology is haram or unalwful in Islam. In Islamic terms, it is 'calling others by offensive nicknames' (49:11). Thus, first of all, Muslims must abandon using this term for the West.
Ijz (helplessness) and free-will are two different subjects. Ijz is required in relation to God. When you discover the position of the Creator, you also discover the position of man in relation to Him. It is this discovery that is called ijz. When one develops the quality of ijz, it finds expression in relation to other humans as modesty. The word "ijz" is used in relation to God and, the word "tawazu" (modesty) is used in relation to human beings.
There is no limit, the only condition is sincerity. Let me explain with an example. Every Muslim reads ‘Alhamdulillah’ every day in the prayer but I have not found a single person who utilised his mind to understand its meaning.
I used my mind and understood that if I want to express my gratitude to God, then how a big thanksgiving will emerge when so many negative experiences come my way every day. Amidst these experiences, how will I thank God?
Knowledge is that kind of learning that leads to the truth. There are some supporting branches of knowledge also, such as science and history, etc. All human beings must follow the path leading to knowledge, especially the one to truth.
. At a Doordarshan panel discussion on ‘The Scientific Temper’, (New Delhi, June 2, 1998-including, besides myself, a central Minister, a social activist, a professor, an English journalist and a lady educationist), I quoted Pandit Nehru as having said as early as 1947, that what his country required more than anything else was just that—the scientific temper. I further made the point that we need to know exactly what is meant by this expression. Broadly interpreted, it means having a realistic attitude.
Objective thinking arouses universal approach. The more objectively a person thinks the more universal he becomes. Normally people think subjectively and are not able to think keeping the entire humanity in mind. They restrict themselves to their family, society and community. Each person therefore must introspect and get to know whether he has a self-centered or a universal approach. A man can get to know this himself and can also work on it himself.
Experience is included in discovery. Man does not think in an abstract manner. Experience is ingrained in discovery. There is however a difference between experiment (scientific) and life’s daily experiences. The latter continues irrespective of the situation we are in. Thinking and experience together make you traverse your journey.