Art of Thinking

What role does sincerity play in acquiring wisdom?

This is a matter of law of nature. Studies in psychology reveal that if something happens that makes man lose his sanity, his mind will stop working and he would fall prey to negative thinking. Till the time man has sanity, sincerity and seriousness, his mind works fine.

What is rational thinking?

Rational thinking is the opposite of emotional thinking. While emotional thinking is a result of one’s conditioning, rational thinking takes place when man is able to extricate his mind from conditioning and thinks logically. Majority today, is devoid of rational thinking. Former Prime Minister, Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru said, ‘What India lacks most is the ‘scientific temper,’ that is, the ability to take decision basis facts. According to a tradition, Prophet used to pray to God to show him truth as truth, falsehood as falsehood and the true nature of things, as they are.

What is the importance of intellectual development?

By referring to it as ‘intellectual development,’ I merely use a new word for ‘tazkia.’ God created man with unlimited capacity, but this capacity, which is a gift of nature, is in the form of potential. Man needs to turn this potential into actuality by thinking, reflecting and contemplating. When faced with situations, the natural process within man gets activated and leads to intellectual development.

How did you manage to save yourself from negativity?

This is a matter of developing one’s art of thinking. Recently, I visited the Islamic centre of a large Islamic organization where I met certain Muslims who have been living there for the last forty years. Despite the huge infrastructure and support they had, this group of Muslims was busy complaining. I asked them that they have developed such an infrastructure in India and should be thankful, why complain? The reason is that they lacked the art of thinking. In Delhi alone, Muslims have big centers, institutions, mosques and seminaries.

What is the significance of the CPS Sunday lectures?

There are two kinds of talks - one that revolve problems and issues that exist in the world around us. People sit together to discuss these issues and raise hue and cry about it. It is my understanding that people are already prepared for attending such gatherings and need not be prepared additionally. The other kind is the CPS lectures. In my view, people are not prepared for such lectures. Making a person a prepared mind therefore assumes paramount importance.

In the information age why is man still unaware of the uncertainty of his life?

This is also a myth. Internet does not have information; it has information jungle. You will have to use your mind in that jungle in terms of what you take and what you leave. Information explosion has actually led man to confusion. If you put a query on the internet, it opens a jungle of information for you and never gives a straight answer. I will give an example. I read the English newspaper every day. The articles featured in the editorial are marred by confusion. In news, I get some ideas but in views I get no ideas, only confusion is passed on.

Why does man remain engrossed in the material and not understand the reality of life?

Man grasps with ease that which he experiences. It is difficult for him to fathom that which is hidden and can be known through discovery and contemplation.

What is meant by rational thought?

Speaking Tree| TOI | April 2, 2011

Rational thinking means reason-based thinking. It is the kind of thinking that is based on proven facts. It is based on sound reason. We tend to let our heart rule our thinking and this can cloud our judgement.We need to control our emotions and understand the realities of life objectively; only then will we be able to develop rational thinking.

How can we unravel the spiritual and intellectual capacity of our mind?

Speaking Tree | TOI | May 8, 2011

We can do so through contemplation. But contemplation by itself is not enough. You have also to distance yourself from all kinds of distractions. Distraction prevents concentration. So the formula is: Engage in contemplation; save yourself from intellectual derailment, and you will be able to attain the spiritual height you are looking for.