Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Ignore initial hurt

One who does not bear with a small hurt from a foolish person will have to bear with great harm. Usually the best way of avoiding great harm from mischief-makers is to put up with initial hurt, for, if one does not, one will set off a chain reaction in which things will go from bad to worse. Instead of having to bear a relatively small hurt, one will be subjected to much greater suffering.

Big Bird of the Storm

‘The elephant walks on without being disturbed by barking dogs’. This is the best illustration of one who has the capacity for ‘big bird thinking’. Life is full of storms, full of barking, full of untoward situations. You have only two options: either to waste your time and energy by constantly stooping to reactionary behaviour or to ignore all undesirable situations and try to live like the elephant in the adage. Elephant-style living is the only successful way to live in this world.