Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog


Modesty makes you a realist; you become a person who is cut to size. People of this kind become very cautious; before taking an action they assess the whole situation. They adopt a realistic approach. They are able to discover their own shortcomings. This psyche serves as a self-controlling element in their lives, enabling them to save themselves from untoward happenings.

Difference as an Asset

There have to be certain pre-conditions if difference is to be a healthy social asset. In spite of differences you have to remain peaceable. You have to be sincere and objective, so that the difference may be expressed in a disciplined manner. You have to express your differences peacefully, and at the same time be open-minded enough to allow others to freely express their views. Difference with peace is a blessing, but difference with violence is a problem.


Contentment is the only viable formula, which can give everyone peace and tranquillity. If you live with simplicity and lead a necessity-based life, that will give you instant happiness. Whereas an artificial life creates all kinds of problems, a natural life gives you a problem-free life and also guarantees good health.