Submitted by Maulana Wahidud... on Mon, 08/20/2012 - 10:27Art of rejection is easy, but only a great mind can accept. Acceptance is a phenomenon of maturity.
Art of rejection is easy, but only a great mind can accept. Acceptance is a phenomenon of maturity.
Optimism means knowing that one will eventually be rescued :that the waiting period will only be temporary in nature. The only thing that can create a serious problem for you is to lose your patience or to lose your hope or to forget that the situation is temporary and not permanent.
If your building is weak, you cannot prevent it from being washed away by the flood, however many protestations to the contrary you may make.
It is a fact that no one can overrule your ambitions but it is also a fact that you cannot overrule the laws of nature. So always be a realist. Acceptance of reality is the most important principle of any kind of success.