Submitted by Maulana Wahidud... on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 11:02One will only be treated as an enemy if that is how one sees others. If one does not view them with animosity, they are more likely to be amicable in return.
One will only be treated as an enemy if that is how one sees others. If one does not view them with animosity, they are more likely to be amicable in return.
The main reason is that criticism, particularly when it is true, brings one down from the high pedestal on which one has placed oneself. Man is a self-lover. He never wants to admit his mistakes. To utter the three damning words, “I am wrong” is so difficult that in the long history of mankind there have been very few cases of people who have actually brought themselves to utter them.
It is better to say that, if to err is human, to forgive is also human. Perhaps this concept is expressed in the saying: ‘To err is human, but to forgive is divine.’
Sincerity is not a single value. Sincerity combines all good human values. Where there is sincerity, there are all kinds of moral beauty. In contrast, insincerity makes you ugly.