Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Eliminating Negativity

Man has repeatedly to undergo such experiences as produce negative feelings within him, for instance, anger, hatred, violence, and revenge. Man ought to bury these feelings instantly, for, if he fails to do so, they will become a permanent presence in the human mind, and a time will come when it will be almost impossible to eliminate them.

Creation Plan

God, according to His plan of creation made a perfect world called paradise. A world which is in accordance with the desires of human beings, in that it is free of all kinds of limitations and disadvantages, including fear and pain. There, man will have every opportunity to live to his full capacity. His being will have its fulfillment. He will not fall victim to any decline or decay.

Positive Thinking

The human brain is a treasure house of unlimited power. If man loses his peace of mind at a time of crisis, he is not in a position to utilize his mental capacity in a positive way. Negative thinking is an obstacle to human development, while positive thinking is like a life-giver in that it stimulates human capacities.