Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Beyond Death

When man sees only the world, death is to him, then, a cruel blow, removing him from the land of his dreams. But if he were to see the world beyond death, he would realize that it is that eternal world of infinite blessings that should be worked for. What “new lease of life” can there be when the spectre of death lies in wait? Those who seek new life will find it only in the world that lies beyond death.

Death: The Ultimate Certainty of Life

People think that they are being “cheated” by death, but in fact death is the ultimate and most inevitable certainty of our lives. Death cheats no one. It is man that cheats himself: the plans that he should be making for the world after death he makes for this life; only to
find that death awaits him, to put paid to all his dreams.