Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's blog

Disciplined Behaviour

Man has been given freedom in this world. What is required of him is that, despite possessing total freedom, he should of his own free will become an example of moral, disciplined behaviour. One who thus conducts himself will pass God’s test and will be selected by the Lord, the Creator and Sustainer of this universe, as the beneficiaries of
that most wonderful blessing—eternal paradise.

Man’s Test

Everything that exists in this world – be it a vast ocean or a tiny leaf, a dark particle or a radiant sun – is wonderful beyond words. But, from the time of his birth into the world, man sees these things, day in and day out. From continuous exposure, they cease to arouse any astonishment. But these very things, which man looks on without wonderment, would cause him unbounded amazement if he was to see them suddenly, for the first time.

Observing the Universe

Observing the universe, one cannot fail to be struck by the wonder¬ful works of art, the ingenious displays of consummate skill, which lie before one. There are atoms, dancing around within matter. Two particles – without life – come together to mould a third object – a new life. Stars revolve in space, without the slightest deviation from their set speed. Tiny seeds are transformed into luxuriant trees. Life in all its multiple forms seems like a torrent surging all around us, all these events, and many more, are happening in the universe, but they are happening silently.