Personality Development

How do some people turn out to be super achievers? Is their accomplishment due to merit or are other factors involved?

Speaking Tree| TOI | April 2, 2011

Super achievers become what they are by making the best use of resources available to them. They put to good use the natural talent God has gifted them with. Those who are unable to do this fail to achieve success. Some acknowledge this fact while others just keep complaining about lack of opportunities.

Let’s say I have discovered Truth. Does that mean I will no longer experience frustration?

Speaking Tree| TOI | April 2, 2011

A person who has discovered the truth cannot remain in frustration. If he is living in frustration, it means that he has not discovered the truth. Truth and conviction are inseparable. Like light cannot be separated from the sun. When the sun rises, darkness vanishes. When one discovers the truth, frustration disappears.

What is your view on suffering?

Speaking Tree | TOI | October 31, 2010

Suffering is not an evil. There’s a positive side to it. It gives you challenge. It gives incentive to work. It activates one’s mind; so suffering is a blessing in disguise. History shows that many of those who faced hardships and disadvantages emerged as achievers. It is rightly said that it is not ease but effort, not facility but difficulty that makes men.

A sensitive individual gets easily upset. What should he do?

Speaking Tree | TOI | October 31, 2010


Sensitivity is a born. It is a positive attribute. Sensitivity makes you aware of subtle emotions and helps you develop your mind. It also saves you from a lot of wrongdoing. But a sensitive person needs to learn the art of sensitivity management. Otherwise he could feel wronged and be upset about it.

How does one save oneself from bad habits?

There is no mysterious method for this purpose. Activate your mind against that evil. The mind is the source of all kinds of desires. So, you have to train your mind, and then the mind itself will control all those evils. At present your evil switch is on, develop the will power and then the mind will put it off. And then certainly you will be saved from committing all those evils.

What is true hope and false hope?

The Speaking Tree | Sunday, August 15, 2010


The difference between the two is very clear. True hope is based on reality, while false hope is based on sheer romanticism. When you examine a situation and take a realistic view of things, you have the right to be hopeful, but when you ignore the realities and adopt an ostrich-like approach, then, you are entertaining false hopes.

Can we be free of negative feelings like self-doubt?

The Speaking Tree | Sunday, August 15, 2010

No, but self-doubt is not necessarily a bad thing it has a positive aspect, too. Self-doubt awakens your mind; it makes you reassess your plans; your mode of life. If you engage in introspection, it can become a great source of learning for you, but you don’t ever allow self-doubt to over power you.

Does prayer to God develop our personality?

The Speaking Tree | Sunday, August 15, 2010


Yes. Prayer means establishing contact with the higher reality and that higher reality is the source of all kinds of inspiration. It is also a source of great solace. So prayer, if it is genuine, will certainly help in developing focus and making you a better person.

How should we manage our ego?

The Speaking Tree | Sunday, August 15, 2010